Description of "Emily Dickinson: My Letter to the World" by Elizabeth Dickinson

"Emily Dickinson: My Letter to the World" is a studio recording of the original solo show written and performed by Elizabeth Dickinson, a descendant of Emily's. The show is a distillation of Emily Dickinson's personal letters covering a timespan from 1842 through 1886. It begins with the earliest extant letter of Emily at age 11 to her brother, Austin, and ends with her last letter to her Norcross cousins immediately before her death of Bright's disease (kidney failure) at age 55. This live, solo production, produced and performed by Elizabeth Dickinson covers some of the main events in Emily Dickinson's history, illuminates her inner emotional life, and, on a more personal note, gives the flavor of the Emily that the playwright and actress has come to know through her letters. Essay Audio, of St. Paul, MN, is proud to offer this truly one of a kind performance by the living person meant to do it.

Onstage, Elizabeth does a phenomenal job of making the words of her famous relative come alive, painting a vivid picture of her relationships with many people from her home in Amherst, and her hopes and fears about writing and publishing her poetry. "A letter always feels to me like immortality, because it is the mind alone without the corporeality of friend," Emily writes. And though we can't really meet her in person, this performance takes us as close as we could hope to get. 
                                                                       — Kim Surkan, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Elizabeth Dickinson descended from Emily's youngest paternal uncle, Frederick Dickinson. Emily and her sister never married or had children. Emily's brother, Austin, had three children with Sue, none of whom had children of their own. Elizabeth is about as closely related to emily as anyone can be. She is a trained actress and has a B.Ed. Honours in Drama and English from Cambridge University and an M.A. in Psychology from Lesley College in Cambridge, MA.

Now living in St. Paul, Minnesota, Dickinson has enjoyed a life in live theatre and motion pictures. She is a social activist, is a founding member of Clean Energy Now, an organization attempting to limit coal burning energy plant emissions and return clean air to Minnesota, and is running for a seat on the St. Paul City Council.

This original audio work was produced by Scott Beyers and is published by, both located in St. Paul, MN.

Audio CD - $15.00
ISBN  0-9665212-9-3
(not available on tape)

Total time: 62 minutes

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